Cei mai buni gimnaști ai României au concurat luni, 30 noiembrie, la Izvorani, pentru titlurile naționale puse în joc. A frumos, dinamic, spectaculos și cu performanțe de înalt nivel, cum de altfel ne-a obișnuit gimnastica aerobica. Lotul National de seniori al Romaniei, antrenat de Maria Fumea, Madalina Cioveie si mereu sustinut de Dna Petra Teleman […]
Author Archive
Daca tot suntem in “#stayhome mood” haideti sa ne uitam impreuna, la show-ul AEROS. AEROS 2008, ROMA – ITALIA
The headstand, or sometimes head stand, is a pose that is an inversion posture of standing head down. The technique is used in different settings such as yoga, breakdancing, acrobatics and beginner gymnastics. Headstands are good fun and require less gymnastic skill and flexibility than other stunts such as back tumbles, back flip or walking on your hands. […]
The aim of a warm-up is to get the blood flowing to the all the parts of your body that you are going to use during gymnastics. This prepares the body for the muscle stretching and exertion required to complete gymnastic skills. Since gymnastics uses the whole body, you need to warm up the whole […]
Despite the words, your toes have very little to do with the motion of a proper point. This is where many people get confused; they engage their toes, but nothing else. Pointing your toes should engage the whole foot, not just the toes. In fact, you should feel it throughout the lower and mid-calf as well. […]