Dear friends, Today I will talk with my friend Sara Moreno. She was born in Valencia/Spain 24 years ago. She started Rhythmic Gymnastics in 1997 and in 1998 she moved to Competitional Fitness, sport in which she became European Champion in 2003. She started Aerobic Gymnastics in 2002. How did you get into the gym? I […]
Posts tagged ‘gymnastics’
Dragi prieteni, Continuam seria interviurilor, de data aceasta voi vorbi cu Andreea Bogati, componenta a Lotului National de Gimnastica Aerobica, multipla campioana nationala, internationala, europeana si mondiala! Cum ai ajuns in sala de gimnastica? La 10 luni am inceput sa merg si nu stateam locului, asa ca mama a asteptat sa mai cresc crezand ca, daca ma […]