After 7 years of break AEROS is back in business. An explosive fusion of gymnastics and modern dance, Aeros is a unique entertainment that has an enormously wide appeal, bringing together the skill and athleticism of the Olympics, the sophistication of modern dance and the spectacle of the Cirque du Soleil. What makes Aeros so […]
AEROS – Back in Business
7 medalii pentru Echipa de Seniori a Romaniei la Campionatele Europene de Gimnastica Aerobica
Campionatele Europene de gimnastica aerobica s-au incheiat. Echipa de seniori a Romaniei se va intoarce acasa cu 7 medalii: 3 de AUR (individual feminin, trio, echipe), 1 ARGINT (aerobic dance), 3 BRONZ (individual masculin, individual feminin, grup). Rezultate: INDIVIDUAL FEMININ 1. CONSTANTIN Oana ROU – 21,750 2. HEGYI Dora HUN – 21,650 3. GORGOVAN […]
Results of the senior mixed pairs final Results of the senior trio final Results of the senior groups final Laura Andreea Cristache.
Results of the senior individual women final! #UEGymnastics #eurobics2015 Results of the senior individual men final! #UEGymnastics #eurobics2015 FELICITARI!!! Laura Andreea Cristache. […]
A revenit in activitatea competitionala cu scopul de a castiga medalia de aur la campionatele europene de gimnastica aerobica. Azi, Corina Constantin si-a indeplinit visul si va urca pe cea mai inalta treapta a podiumului, dupa un exercitiu foarte bun la individual notat cu 21,750! Mai jos exercitiul Corinei Constantin: Anterior, sâmbătă, România a cucerit […]