In acest weekend va avea loc în sala de gimnastică de la Compexul Olimpic de la Izvorani concursul dintre echipele feminine ale Romaniei si Frantei.
Echipele sunt formate din:
România: Cătălina Ponor, Larisa Iordache, Diana Bulimar, Anamaria Ocolișan, Laura Jura, Silvia Zarzu, Andreea Munteanu (Octavian Bellu, Mariana Bitang, Lucian Sandu, Claudiu Moldovan, Lăcrămioara Moldovan).
Franța: Loan His, Louise Vanhille, Marine Brevet, Camille Bahl, Claire Martin, Grace Charpy (colectiv tehnic: Véronique legras-Snoeck – antrenor național, Nelu Pop, Cyril Godard – antrenori)
De asemenea, arbitrajul va fi asigurat de cunoscute arbitre: Olga Didilescu, Angela cacoveanu, Gabriela Robu, Liliana Plisca, Mariana Cîmpeanu, Doina Olaru, Adela Popa, Camelia Rădulescu (România), Patricia Giral, Marianne Assadi, Sandrine Mathieu, Fabienne Ringler (Franța).
Întâlnirea va avea loc în cursul dimineții de sâmbătă, fără public, ca urmare a faptului că sala nu dispune de facilitățile necesare.
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In the marketplace there are a number of smart-phone bands
currently in Kenya. being the most popular manufacturer accompanied
by by Techno.other brandnames include Huawei, Wiko phones,For-Me, LG, Nokia,
Alcatel,Sony, HTC, Rim,Apple,Bird etc.
Smart phones in Kenya are sold at a more affordable cost
based on the model of of the telephone. From as low as Ksh.
Can possess a smartphone. you 6,000
It’s that time of the year when we really get
to look back and evaluate the operation of the tech world in Kenya.
Starting today we’ll be focusing the top performers in the disciplines of smart
mobile phones on, tech occasions, start-ups media excitement that
is sociable,, and the year’s winners. To start us off we’re in the top smart phones that captured the imagination of Kenyans.
The position is based on the search terms which were focused to our website, talks
with different specialists and data from distinct Cellphone shops around